5 ‘Tricks’ I Use to Optimize Sales Copywriting for SEO

     Alex Manea

                It’s no secret that SEO and sales copywriting don’t go well together. But how do you use the two together to get conversions and high rankings? If you start with a subheading titled ‘What is …’, you’ll probably kill your conversion rate right there. Here are a few tricks I’ve been using for sales pages without sacrificing the copy, which I will share with you immediately.


As a side note, I don’t write a lot of copy myself (I only just started, and I’m still learning how to properly do it), but I have clients for whom I plan and manage the entire website content, sales page included. So, when they need a new sales page, I just order the copy from one of the copywriters I usually work with.

Before publishing, I add as many of the following as possible.

    Add an FAQ Section

An FAQ section is a great way to add SEO-optimized content to a sales page without compromising your copy. I can add as much content as I want, and I don’t have to worry all that much about whether it’s going to convert or not since, let’s be honest, not many people are going to read it.

Here’s how you create one.https://h750jjyw7rm.typeform.com/to/CVFhkbpV
